
Docker Lab Installer

Updated: Saturday, March 19 2016

In December, I created a VMware AppCatalyst Lab Installer Script which automated the install of Homebrew, Ansible, Packer, Python, VMware AppCatalyst, Docker Toolbox and Vagrant. This lab installer also include a customized docker-machine with the VMware AppCatalyst driver included. 

I got to thinking, what if someone just wanted a local lab without AppCatalyst and just wanted the native experience with Docker Toolbox and Kitematic? So I cloned the original AppCatalyst Lab installer and created the following Docker Lab Installer, which performs the following;


  • OSX Yosemite or El Capitan 
  • Terminal
  • Internet Access


  • 1.2- Add Python back, updated Docker Toolbox to 1.10.3, added Hashicorp's Otto, added variables for pkg and dmgs. 
  • 1.1 - Removed Python Installer
  • 1.0 - Initial Build

The Docker Lab Install can be found here on github or here on Sample Exchange,  use the command below in Mac OSX terminal grab it with this:

curl -O

Disclaimer: Use at your own risk, this has been tested on default installs of OS X Yosemite and El Capitan without any customizations.This has not been tested on the Beta or Developer Previews from Apple.

In future posts I will leverage this lab as a base to examine use cases leveraging numerous variations of Docker Toolbox, Vagrant, Ansible and Packer. Stay tuned for more posts.

Let me know what you think of it the script needs any updates or additional components.